Mid-flight thoughts

Isn't it funny how people take things for granted. In this regard, im talking about flying.

I know many people use aircraft on a daily basis and they can become 'bored' with what to some, is an enjoyable and even exciting experience.

I say this as i sit on an aeroplane to Austria and look at the man in the window seat on his laptop.

Not once looking out of the window, missing the marvel of the natural world. Cruising above the clouds as the low sun casts warm rays across the low clouds over countries that people dont ever visit.

I sit and watch the light dancing across from seat to seat through the window. Illuminating peoples expressions, the colour of their hair and onto couples that sit there, thinking about things, next to each other, but not talking.

I wonder where these people are off to? Holiday, home or visiting someone?

I know many people live inside their small bubble and maybe dont travel beyond a bus to the town or a train ride.

But we live on quite a small planet. We have easy access to far away places.

We can be to places and experience completly different cultures within hours of our own front door.

Im watching the warm sun, gently touch and light up all the bodies of water. Lakes, rivers and streams.

Im excited to see new places, new experiences and try and capture images to remember and also allow others to see.

So get off the F#cking laptop and look out the window and realise we dont have much time. These moments dissapear instantly.


Inspiration - finding it and losing it.