Inspiration - finding it and losing it.

There’s a constant struggle I find with regards to inspiration.

Now I know inspiration can be found in the strangest of places. Whether its reading a book, a scent of a passer by, a visual trigger, or just out of nowhere.

It’s easy for us to sit and scroll endlessly through social media, hoping that we like something and feel the urge to go and create. But sometimes is this helpful, does it actually help us find inspiration or do we just find ourselves switching our minds off and flicking through posts and not really seeing?

A lack of inspiration can manifest as stagnation in creativity and motivation, making tasks seem harder and less enjoyable. This leads to decreased productivity and fosters frustration and self-doubt. We may question our abilities, creating a negative cycle that hinders creativity and disconnects us from our passions. To reignite the spark, we may nee to seek new experiences, change environments, or explore different mediums. Some find comfort in routine, while others may need time to rest. Although disheartening, lack of inspiration is a natural part of the creative process. Recognizing this can help us manage low inspiration and find ways to cultivate it.

Now this is where I struggle.

Making lists of projects and ideas and remembering to stick with them. Im a spontaneous person and rely heavily on being inspired. To which, when that doesn’t occur, I feel frustrated. So maybe we need some kind of plan, an idea, something to aim for…

Notebooks…..this must be the key. Loads of notebooks with scribblings of ideas, no matter how small, how trivial we think they might be.

But, once we have some ideas, that's where we need the motivation to go out and capture those ideas. The transition from thought to action often presents challenges. It requires a commitment to not only envision projects but also to take tangible steps toward realizing them. Finding the motivation can stem from various sources: a supportive environment, personal accountability, or even the simple thrill of creativity. Setting clear goals, breaking them into manageable tasks, and maintaining a structured timeline can also bolster our desire to act. Embracing the process, celebrating small achievements, and staying focused on the vision can provide the necessary momentum to bring those initial ideas to life.

I may not be the best person to give advice, but If one person gets something from this, then amazing.

Here are a few things that have helped me

Be social - Get to galleries, museums, exhibitions (make conversation with people too).

Pop into your local library or secondhand bookshop. Ive found some amazing photography books there.

Stop, take your time and look at the details.

Here are a few links that may help


Mid-flight thoughts


Summer blues