Starting my own website
I never felt I was a serious photographer for a long time.
It all felt like just a hobby, an expensive hobby at that, but it didn’t feel serious. I remember always having a camera with me. Being part of a group of mates that were heavily into cycling, I felt we needed to try and at least get a few images of us to remember days and also to remember the few that have sadly passed away. It was a way to document our lives.
I remember going on holiday to Austria, and at the time, I had a Fujifilm bridge camera. Nothing amazing, but it was what I could afford at the time. I went wandering alone and I remember taking a handful of shots up up at the Uhrturm at Schlossberg in Graz, Austria. Some of the images really stood out to me. You know when you don’t think that it was yourself that took the images.
It seemed that, at that point, something changed. There was more thought about taking pictures. A hobby turned into a passion.
My other thing I struggle with, is the constant need to purchase things. Now, having a new interest, and one where you put a lot of thought into, you inevitably start looking at new cameras, or gear at least. It’s easy to believe that by using a new camera, your photography will improve and you’ll take amazing images. Oh I had so much to learn.
note- The camera is only a tool. The camera only takes what you see yourself. Forget about chasing the latest gear, instead, get out and spend time taking pictures for yourself.
Now, i’m not going to say don’t buy something that ‘assists’ your passion. We all need little things that stoke the fire and keep us interested at times.
But what I’ve found the most helpful, is making time to go out. Making a concerted effort to get out with the camera ,walk around and just enjoy that time.
I’ve also found that books, mostly photography ones, have been a great source of inspiration. Yes, It’s easy to scroll endlessly on social media, but I don’t find that I feel inspired through that. As many have said, don’t copy, but instead, look at it as an idea, a nudge in a direction, then go and take pictures and enjoy the process.
It’s taken me a while to get to this point, but I still feel I’m at the beginning of a journey, and I’m excited for the possibilities.
I’ll be posting more and more to here, and I hope to create something for myself, as well as others. If I can inspire one person to find a passion, then I’m happy.
Now……where to today?